A page of the Book
Published Tuesday, April 13, 2010 by
sandeep mehla | E-mail this post
The changing season of earth takes all the kind towards an unpredictable period of illusion that it’s so hard to believe the beauty of the sunrise. You have grown like the same road in the desert on where only few have walked but now it’s broken and disturbed and still young enough to take you to the destination. The centre is unknown to you and to everybody. But even flowing water makes the hardest stones to roll with soft and smooth corners. It’s so restless and uncontrollable that you make it more worse with the time. The stone has been shrunk from its original size. The wind is changed and the sky is broken down into pieces of clouds. The road is still empty and there is a long way to walk. Remembering the time and the change in time it only takes a breath to change the life of an unknown soldier to die. The broken mountain can see all the trees coming down with it but who told them to grow on it. You even have flown with river but river is not flowing with you. You have been stuck in some corner of the ground and there is no place to go ahead. The road will still take you there but why it has become so difficult to walk on this beauty. Ohh God give me sand, give air, give water but don’t turn the page.
you write beautiful ends !! very interesting post
thankyou...just learning
mehla sir..good goin!!!